Monday, February 22, 2010

Kimmy wooo a real american hero

          We are theoretically going to do our video interview with the proprietor of Bill' market on overbook avenue across the street from the Drexel arms apartments. She is an interesting and entertaining person to do a characterization of.
     When you walk into Bill's market or more commonly known as billy Woo's, whether you have been there before or this is your first time Kimmy woo looks at you with familiarity no matter if this is your first time ever or first time that day. She rings you up at the counter rambling on about what ever she pleases, asking your name or if she knows it she attempts to use it as often as possible. she is cheerful and inviting always willing to cut you a break on that ten cents you left in your car/dorm.
         Our group chose her as she is a nice woman who is struggling to expand the markets dining options to include hot food, but due to zoning regulations and complaints from other local business owners it is proving difficult. We hope to bring this quirky business owners story and personality to light as she is deserving of it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Empire of Illusion

    This book empire of illusions was an interesting read to say the least. It was overall a noticeably pessimistic work that seemed to be primarily focused on the negative aspects of American culture as characterized by Chris Hedge. he takes the moral high ground on the topics of literacy, pornography, happiness, American corporate culture, and the issues surrounding american higher education.
    Overall I believe that hedges has hit upon important issues within our cultures. His chapter on corporate control of america was especially enlightening. He picks out many of the issues that are overlooked and under-analyzed by the american public like the Role advertising plays in making consumers believe they can obtain happyness through the purchase of non essential goods.
      The issues I have with the book border the things i like about it. As much as I think this country needs to be refined and reworked, some of the changes he calls for are to extreme and go against the basic econo0mic and social principals of this great nation. one such principal he believes should be violated is the role of government in the economy. This country was built upon the ideas of a free market society. I believe that he would intervene given the opportunity and call for more regulation if given the power to. His call for government intervention of the pornography industry is a call to end the industry in it self. The government could never be involved with the creation of adult entertainment. He presents all the problems in American culture and gives no realistic solutions.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Prezi

MY Prezi

       I worked with Second Life for my presentation. I used Prezi as a vehicle to convey what I learned about. I created an account on Second Life and explored many aspects of the "game". It was an interesting and sometimes frustrating experience. The reality of the Second Life is that it gives users infinite possibilities as to how they live their lives. It was hard to fully grasp the numerous possibilities offered in a Second Life as there is a fairly steep learning curve. I attributed this to the "openness" of the program. What I mean by this is that so much of the internal workings of the program are exposed to the user in order to offer such a vast number of possibilities. The option of creating clothing, structures, items etc.. makes my head spin. Also the interface is very raw and not streamlined for clarity and ease. Overall I'm gonna stick with the reality i have created for myself, my First life.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Final Video Posted


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

World Series Prediction

Here is a little side note on current events. It's gonna be Phils Yanks. Sorry all you Anaheim fans out there, this just isn't your year. Yanks are gonna come out on top, whether it be game four tomorrow or game five back at the new stadium. I don't see a repeat of 2004's ALCS meltdown in which the Red Sox came back after losing the first three to win four strait and win the pennant.

          That being said I cannot wait for Phils Yanks. It is going to be an epic pitching and slugging contest with the Major Leagues best. A-Rod Howard, CC Cliff, Rollins Jeter can't wait to see how things playout. One thing is for sure as a Yankee's fan on campus I am gonna keep my head down when faced with large groups of crimson doning philly fans. Especially when we take games off them haha. So barring any meltdowns it should be an interesting series that I look forward to taking precident over any work I have.

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